姓名 | 吴玉娜 | 性别 | 女 | |
民族 | 汉 | 籍贯 | 浙江诸暨 | |
最高学历 | 研究生 | 最高学位 | 博士 | |
政治面貌 | 中共党员 | 技术职称 | 副教授 | |
通讯地址 | 南京市河海大学江宁校区乐学楼1217室 常州市河海大学金坛校区56号楼357室 | |||
电话 | 13585199947 | |||
吴玉娜,工学博士,河海大学力学与博彩网 副教授,硕士生导师。2014年07月获东南大学材料科学与工程专业博士学位,同年12月进入河海大学力学与博彩网 从事博士后研究,2017年1月留校任教。主要从事高性能铝合金、铜合金、超细晶/纳米晶/混晶合金相关的设计研究工作。主持国家自然科学基金、江苏省自然科学基金、中国博士后科学基金、江苏省博士后科学基金、泰州市科技支撑计划、宿迁市重点研发计划、南通市科技项目、中央高校业务费等课题;并参与国家自然科学基金、江苏省重点研发计划等课题。迄今为止,已在国内外重要期刊及学术会议共发表学术论文50余篇,其中以第一/通讯作者在《Journal of Materials Science and Technology》、《Journal of Alloys and Compounds》、《Materials and Design》、《Materials Science and Engineering A》等SCI期刊发表论文20余篇;授权国家发明专利10项。入选“河海大学大禹学者计划”。 热忱欢迎校内外材料科学与工程(金属材料)相关专业的学生报考本人的研究生。 研究方向 1. 高性能铝合金 2. 高性能铜合金 3. 铝基复合材料 学习和工作经历 2023.10至今,河海大学,博彩网 ,副教授 2020.07-2023.10,河海大学,力学与博彩网 ,青年副教授 2017.01-2020.07,河海大学,力学与博彩网 ,讲师 2014.12-2016.12,河海大学,力学与博彩网 ,博士后 2008.09-2014.07,东南大学,博彩网 ,博士(硕博连读) 2004.09-2008.06,南京工业大学,博彩网 ,学士 承担的科研项目 1.国家自然科学基金青年项目(52303390) 负责人 2024-2026 2.中央高校基本科研业务费项目(B230201002) 负责人 2023-2024 3.江苏省自然科学基金青年项目(BK20180508) 负责人 2018-2021 4.泰州市科技支撑计划(薄壁高强韧铝合金活塞的制备及关键技术研究) 负责人 2020-2022 5.宿迁市重点研发计划(大数据驱动的超高强高韧铝合金板材研发及强韧化机制研究) 负责人 2020-2022 6.南通市科技项目(JC2020129) 负责人 2020-2022 7.中央高校基本科研业务费项目(B210202102) 负责人 2021-2022 8.中国博士后科学基金面上项目(2021M690860) 负责人 2020-2021 9.中央高校基本科研业务费项目(2017B01314) 负责人 2018-2019 10.中国博士后科学基金面上项目(2016M591753) 负责人 2015-2016 11.江苏省博士后科学基金项目(1501018B) 负责人 2015-2016 12.横向课题(20168000716) 负责人 2015-2016 13.横向课题(20168000716) 负责人 2015-2016 代表性SCI论文 1. Yumeng Chen, Yuna Wu*, Jun. Geng, Huan Liu, Dan Song, Jinghua Jiang, Feng Fang*, Aibin Ma, Pre-precipitating promoted by microshear bands effectively circumvents strength-ductility trade-off of RT-rolled Al-6Zn-1Mg alloy, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 28 (2024) 2767-2777. 2. Yumeng Chen, Yuna Wu*, Yun Li, Zhiyang Peng, Huan Liu, Aibin Ma, Jinghua Jiang, Ting Yuan*, RT ECAP and rolling bestow high strength and good ductility on a low lithium aluminum alloy, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 25 (2023) 5561-5574. 3. Xiaoru Zhuo, Quan Zhang, Huan Liu, Zhichao Hu, Peng Zhang, Jinghua Jiang, Aibin Ma, Yuna Wu*, Enhanced tensile strength and ductility of an Al-6Si-3Cu alloy processed by room temperature rolling, Journal of Alloys & Compounds, 899 (2022) 163321. 4. Quan Zhang, Yuna Wu*, Tianfei Li, Chao Qiu, Shengqing Wang, Fujun Fan, Hang Teng, Changmei Liu, Huan Liu, Aibin Ma, Jinghua Jiang, Significant enhancement in tensile strength of room-temperature rolled Al-8Zn-1Mg alloy induced by profuse microbands, Materials Science and Engineering A, 861 (2022) 144359. 5. Hengcheng Liao*, Yuna Wu*, H. Chen, L. Qian, Divorced eutectic solidification in hypereutectic Al-Si Alloys, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 53 (2022) 2346-2350. 6. Xiaoru Zhuo, Haichao Xu, Yuna Wu*, Zhichao Hu, Jinghua Jiang, Aibin Ma, Effect of eutectic Si size on the flow behavior and hot processing map of near eutectic Al-Si alloys, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 15 (2021) 5694-5705. 7. Yuna Wu, Changmei. Liu, Hengcheng Liao*, Jinghua Jiang*, Aibin Ma, Joint effect of micro-sized Si particles and nano-sized dispersoids on the flow behavior and dynamic recrystallization of near-eutectic Al-Si based alloys during hot compression, Journal of Alloys & Compounds, 856 (2021) 158072. 8. Yuna Wu, Hengcheng Liao*, Yunyi Tang, Enhanced high-cycle fatigue strength of Al-12Si-4Cu-1.2Mn-T6 cast aluminum alloy at room temperature and 350℃, Materials Science and Engineering A, 825 (2021) 141917. 9. Yuna Wu, Hengcheng Liao*, Changelve Lv, Dynamic precipitation and recrystallization in Al-12.5wt%Si-0.6wt%Mg-0.1wt%Ti alloy during hot-rolling and their impacts on mechanical properties, Journal of Alloys & Compounds, 788 (2019) 125-135. 10. Yuna Wu, Jianfeng Zhang*, Hengcheng Liao, Gaiye. Li, Development of high performance near eutectic Al-Si-Mg alloy profile by micro alloying with Ti, Journal of Alloys & Compounds, 660 (2016) 141-147. 11. Yuna Wu, Jianfeng Zhang*, Hengcheng Liao, Yongjin. Wang, Yuping. Wu, Effect of Homogenization Temperature on Microstructure and Conductivity of Al-Mg-Si-Ce Alloy, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 25 (2016) 2720-2726. 12. Yuna Wu, Hengcheng Lia*o, Kexin Zhou, Jian Yang, Effect of texture evolution on mechanical properties of near eutectic Al-Si-Mg alloy with minor addition of Zr/V during hot extrusion, Materials & Design. 57 (2014) 416-420. 13. Yuna Wu, Hengcheng Liao*, Kexin Zhou, Effect of minor addition of vanadium on mechanical properties and microstructures of as-extruded near eutectic Al-Si-Mg alloy, Materials Science and Engineering A. 602 (2014) 41-48. 14. Yuna Wu, Hengcheng Liao*, Kexin. Zhou, Dynamic precipitation of Mg2Si induced by temperature and strain during hot extrusion and its impact on microstructure and mechanical properties of near eutectic Al-Si-Mg-V alloy, Materials Science and Engineering A, 614 (2014) 162-170. 15. Yuna Wu, Hengcheng Liao*, Corrosion Behavior of Extruded near Eutectic Al-Si-Mg and 6063 Alloys, Journal of Materials Science & Technology. 29 (2013) 380-386. 16. Yuna Wu, Hengcheng Liao*, Jian Yang, Investigation on corrosion behavior of as-extruded near eutectic Al-Si-Mg alloy by neutral salt spray test, China Foundry. 10 (2013) 207-212. 17. Yuna Wu, Hengcheng Liao*, Kexin. Zhou, Effect of Si content on dynamic recrystallization of Al-Si-Mg alloys during hot extrusion, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 30 (2014) 1271-1277. 18. Yuna Wu, Hengcheng Liao*, Jianfeng Zhang, Effect of Intermediate Annealing Temperature and Aging on the Mechanical Properties and Conductivity of Al-0.2Mg-0.35Si-0.3Ce Wire Rod, Springer-Verlag Singapore Pte Ltd, Singapore, 2018. (ISTP) 19. Yuna Wu*, Hengcheng Liao, Jian Yang, Effect of Quenching Wait Time on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of As-extruded AA6063 Alloy, ICAA13: 13th International Conference on Aluminum Alloys, Wiley Online Library, Pittsburgh, 2012, pp.1593-1598. (ISTP) 20. Hengcheng Liao*, Yuna Wu, Kexin Zhou, Jian Yang, Hot deformation behavior and processing map of Al-Si-Mg alloys containing different amount of silicon based on Gleebe-3500 hot compression simulation, Materials & Design, 65 (2015) 1091-1099. 21. Hengcheng Liao*, Yuna Wu, Yongjin Wang, Microstructure evolution of Al-0.35%Si-0.2%Mg alloy containing Ce during hot extrusion and its contributions to mechanical and conductive properties. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2015, 24 (0): 2503-2510. 22. Hengcheng Liao*, Yuna Wu, Ran Fan, Qigui Wang, Effect of Sr content on porosity formation in directionally solidified Al-12.3wt.%Si alloy. China Foundry, 2014, 11 (5): 435-439. 23. Hengcheng Liao*, Yuna Wu, Ke Ding, Hardening response and precipitation behavior of Al-7%Si-0.3%Mg alloy in a pre-aging process. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2013, 560 (0): 811-816. 24. Hengcheng Liao*, Yuna Wu, Ke Ding, Hardening response and precipitation behavior of Al-7%Si-0.3%Mg alloy, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, 2012. (ISTP)
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